Webinar Paratuberculose met Dr. Conor McAloon.
21/06/2020Webinar Paratuberculose met Dr. Conor McAloon.
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Ons online platform laat 150 deelnemers toe: waarschijnlijk voldoende maar vol is vol.
Over de webinar:
De nieuwe testprocedure waarmee veehouders de mogelijkheid wordt geboden om paraTBC positieve koeien te her testen doet veel vragen rijzen:
- waarom een nieuwe procedure?
- wat is de betrouwbaarheid van deze procedure?
- welke gevolgen heeft dit voor de veehouder en voor ons?
De dierenarts blijkt eens te meer de meest vurige pleitbezorger te zijn van de uitroeiing van deze dierziekte. Onze expert zal dan ook met plezier al jullie vragen beantwoorden over hoe we onze bedrijven en de sector paraTBC vrij kunnen krijgen.
Over onze spreker:
Conor is originally from a dairy farm in Dromore, Co. Tyrone and qualified as a veterinary surgeon from UCD School of Veterinary Medicine in 2011.
He worked in mixed practice in Strabane, Co. Tyrone, before returning to UCD in 2013 to begin a PhD programme on Johne’s Disease (JD) in Irish dairy herds as part of the ICONMAP project. Since then he has published several peer-reviewed scientific papers on JD including the application of HACCP principles to control as well as the effect of the disease on milk production. He is currently involved in studies investigating national prevalence and risk factors for the disease, as well as the application of sociology to enhance JD interventions at herd level.
Conor has completed a 3 year veterinary specialist training programme for the European College of Bovine Health Management with a primary focus on dairy herd health and production management. His interests include infectious diseases of cattle, calf health and the application of quantitative epidemiology and sociology to farm investigations and interventions. He was recently appointed as Lecturer in Bovine Health Management at the School of Veterinary Medicine, UCD.
Datum: 21/06/2020Uur: 19u50